Make your catch-up premium count with cost effective, flexible tutoring

Book qualified teachers for small-group tutoring or as supply cover to free up class teachers

Book qualified teachers for small-group tutoring or as supply cover to free up class teachers

Phone with the Zen Educate app
Phone with the Zen Educate app
Phone with the Zen Educate app

Put your catch-up premium funding to work

All government-maintained schools are receiving catch-up premium funding. The catch-up premium funds give you control over how best to help your students that have dropped behind. You can use the money as you see fit and can also carry unused funding towards future financial years. See the guidance

Maximum Flexibility

Book teachers for small group tutoring or supply cover to enable your teachers to lead intervention groups. You can choose the time, frequency and duration of the bookings all for similar or lower cost than through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP).

Quality teaching staff

We provide qualified teachers with experience across primary, secondary, SEN and alternative provision. All staff complete our strict vetting requirements, including our CPD-accredited safeguarding course.

Low-cost support

We know you want your money to go as far as it can. Our model allows us to provide 1:4–1:6 tutoring at similar or better value than through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP).

3 ways to use your catch-up premium

Catch-up for self-isolation

Provide small-group tuition for students who've had to self-isolate

Cover staff absences

Cover staff absences due to covid or shielding and easily re-book teachers you already know

Free-up experienced staff

Provide cover for your experience staff to let them contribute where they're most needed

Ahead of the pack on Safeguarding

Keeping children safe is our highest priority. As such, our approach is designed to exceed the DfE guidance as set out in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.

Social Enterprise — Business for Good

Zen Educate are proud to be recognized by Social Enterprise UK as a company that has the interests of our schools and teachers at heart — the leading global authority and largest network of social enterprises in the UK.


What are your COVID-19 precautions?

We require all staff going in to schools to follow government guidance and declare that they are not experiencing any symptoms. Engaging regular staff for a fixed commitment with your school allows you to operate safely around the virus. Fewer changing staff minimises incoming risks while allowing teachers to get to know your school and build strong relationships with students.

What can I use the catch-up funding for?

As per the DfE, “Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances".

Engaging tutors via Zen Educate could give you an extra pair of hands during the week, freeing up your time to better respond to incoming challenges. Our staff are available for long-term booking which would provide continuity of education to allow children to catch up, and continuity of support in your school.

How would invoicing and timesheets work?

Using your catch-up funding with Zen means you can spend it how you want without adding extra paperwork and administrative burden for your staff. We’ll provide you a simple breakdown of your catch-up funding usage for your record-keeping.

What are your COVID-19 precautions?

We require all staff going in to schools to follow government guidance and declare that they are not experiencing any symptoms. Engaging regular staff for a fixed commitment with your school allows you to operate safely around the virus. Fewer changing staff minimises incoming risks while allowing teachers to get to know your school and build strong relationships with students.

What can I use the catch-up funding for?

As per the DfE, “Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances".

Engaging tutors via Zen Educate could give you an extra pair of hands during the week, freeing up your time to better respond to incoming challenges. Our staff are available for long-term booking which would provide continuity of education to allow children to catch up, and continuity of support in your school.

How would invoicing and timesheets work?

Using your catch-up funding with Zen means you can spend it how you want without adding extra paperwork and administrative burden for your staff. We’ll provide you a simple breakdown of your catch-up funding usage for your record-keeping.

What are your COVID-19 precautions?

We require all staff going in to schools to follow government guidance and declare that they are not experiencing any symptoms. Engaging regular staff for a fixed commitment with your school allows you to operate safely around the virus. Fewer changing staff minimises incoming risks while allowing teachers to get to know your school and build strong relationships with students.

What can I use the catch-up funding for?

As per the DfE, “Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances".

Engaging tutors via Zen Educate could give you an extra pair of hands during the week, freeing up your time to better respond to incoming challenges. Our staff are available for long-term booking which would provide continuity of education to allow children to catch up, and continuity of support in your school.

How would invoicing and timesheets work?

Using your catch-up funding with Zen means you can spend it how you want without adding extra paperwork and administrative burden for your staff. We’ll provide you a simple breakdown of your catch-up funding usage for your record-keeping.

What are your COVID-19 precautions?

We require all staff going in to schools to follow government guidance and declare that they are not experiencing any symptoms. Engaging regular staff for a fixed commitment with your school allows you to operate safely around the virus. Fewer changing staff minimises incoming risks while allowing teachers to get to know your school and build strong relationships with students.

What can I use the catch-up funding for?

As per the DfE, “Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances".

Engaging tutors via Zen Educate could give you an extra pair of hands during the week, freeing up your time to better respond to incoming challenges. Our staff are available for long-term booking which would provide continuity of education to allow children to catch up, and continuity of support in your school.

How would invoicing and timesheets work?

Using your catch-up funding with Zen means you can spend it how you want without adding extra paperwork and administrative burden for your staff. We’ll provide you a simple breakdown of your catch-up funding usage for your record-keeping.

Zen Educate Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Office address: Unit 2.01 Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE

Registered Office 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Company number 10382721 · VAT No. GB262602523