Year 4 Class Teacher
Put the well-being, progress and development of children and young people first, upholding children’s
rights and helping them to understand their responsibilities.
• In each case, having regard to the policies and curriculum for the school, and with a view to promoting the
development of the abilities and aptitudes of the pupils in any class, group or set assigned to him/her:
➢ plan and prepare appropriately paced, motivating and engaging lessons and share this planning
with other professionals as/when required;
➢ teach, according to their personal educational needs, each pupil assigned to him/her, including the
setting and marking of work to be carried out by pupils in school and elsewhere;
➢ assess, record and report on (both orally and in written format) the development, progress and
attainment of individual pupils or groups of pupils.
• Participate in arrangements for preparing pupils for examinations, in assessing pupils for the purposes of
such examinations and recording and reporting such assessments, and participating in arrangements for
pupils’ presentation for and supervision during such examinations.
• Systematically analyse outcomes of testing and assessment and use to diagnose learners’ needs and to set
challenging, but realistic, targets.
• Create a safe, well-organised, purposeful, attractive and stimulating classroom environment conducive to
the facilitation of children’s learning.
• Plan and implement opportunities which enhance and enrich the school’s curriculum e.g., trips, visits,
visitors etc.
• Register the attendance of pupils and supervise pupils before, during, between or after school sessions as
• Maintain good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguard their health, safety and well-being both
when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school
activities elsewhere.
Job Title Key Stage 2 Class Teacher (Year 4)
Line Manager: Designated Line Manager
• Promote the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of any class or group of pupils
assigned to him/her.
• Make observations and records of and reports on the personal, social and emotional needs of pupils,
communicating and co-operating with persons or bodies outside the school and participating in meetings
arranged for any of the purposes described above.
• Strive to establish productive partnerships with families; communicating and consulting with the
parents/carers of pupils whenever appropriate and leading workshops for parents/carers within the
classroom during directed hours.
• Co-ordinate and manage the work of support staff, students and/or volunteers allocated to his/her class.
• Provide guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters and on their further education and
future careers, including information about sources of more expert advice on specific questions.
• Take responsibility for maintaining the quality of his/her own teaching practice by regularly and critically
reflecting on and reviewing his/her methods of teaching and programmes of work and keeping up-to-date
with current educational research.
• Meet the ‘professional standards for teaching’ relevant to his/her role and the stage s/he has reached in
his/her career.
• Act upon advice and feedback from colleagues and be open to coaching and mentoring.
• Participate in arrangements made in accordance with current regulations for the appraisal of his/her
performance and that of other teachers.
• Participate in arrangements for his/her further training and professional development as a teacher
including undertaking training and professional development which aim to meet needs identified in
performance management objectives or statements.
• Contribute to the induction and assessment of new teachers and teachers serving induction periods
pursuant to the Induction Regulations.
• Use appropriate channels to raise concerns about the practice of other professionals if this risks harming
children and young people.
• Advise and co-operate with the Headteacher and other teachers (or any one or more of them) on the
preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of
teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.
• Take such part as may be required of him/her in the review, development and management of activities
relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.
• Participate in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or the administration or
organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
• Attend, support and lead assemblies, celebrations and social events as required during directed hours.
• Liaise effectively with any staff providing cover for his/her allocated class for PPA or training purposes etc.
• Subject to current guidance, supervise and, so far as practicable, teach any pupils whose teacher is not
available to teach them.
• Act professionally with tact and discretion; at all times shaped by the seven principles of public life:
selflessness, integrity, honesty, objectivity, accountability, openness and leadership.
• Maintain reasonable standards in his/her own behaviour that enable him/her to uphold public trust and
confidence in the teaching profession.…Year 4 Class Teacher
Put the well-being, progress and development of children and young people first, upholding children’s
rights and helping them to understand their responsibilities.
• In each case, having regard to the policies and curriculum for the school, and with a view to promoting the
development of the abilities and aptitudes of the pupils in any class, group or set assigned to him/her:
➢ plan and prepare appropriately paced, motivating and engaging lessons and share this planning
with other professionals as/when required;
➢ teach, according to their personal educational needs, each pupil assigned to him/her, including the
setting and marking of work to be carried out by pupils in school and elsewhere;
➢ assess, record and report on (both orally and in written format) the development, progress and
attainment of individual pupils or groups of pupils.
• Participate in arrangements for preparing pupils for examinations, in assessing pupils for the purposes of
such examinations and recording and reporting such assessments, and participating in arrangements for
pupils’ presentation for and supervision during such examinations.
• Systematically analyse outcomes of testing and assessment and use to diagnose learners’ needs and to set
challenging, but realistic, targets.
• Create a safe, well-organised, purposeful, attractive and stimulating classroom environment conducive to
the facilitation of children’s learning.
• Plan and implement opportunities which enhance and enrich the school’s curriculum e.g., trips, visits,
visitors etc.
• Register the attendance of pupils and supervise pupils before, during, between or after school sessions as
• Maintain good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguard their health, safety and well-being both
when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school
activities elsewhere.
Job Title Key Stage 2 Class Teacher (Year 4)
Line Manager: Designated Line Manager
• Promote the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of any class or group of pupils
assigned to him/her.
• Make observations and records of and reports on the personal, social and emotional needs of pupils,
communicating and co-operating with persons or bodies outside the school and participating in meetings
arranged for any of the purposes described above.
• Strive to establish productive partnerships with families; communicating and consulting with the
parents/carers of pupils whenever appropriate and leading workshops for parents/carers within the
classroom during directed hours.
• Co-ordinate and manage the work of support staff, students and/or volunteers allocated to his/her class.
• Provide guidance and advice to pupils on educational and social matters and on their further education and
future careers, including information about sources of more expert advice on specific questions.
• Take responsibility for maintaining the quality of his/her own teaching practice by regularly and critically
reflecting on and reviewing his/her methods of teaching and programmes of work and keeping up-to-date
with current educational research.
• Meet the ‘professional standards for teaching’ relevant to his/her role and the stage s/he has reached in
his/her career.
• Act upon advice and feedback from colleagues and be open to coaching and mentoring.
• Participate in arrangements made in accordance with current regulations for the appraisal of his/her
performance and that of other teachers.
• Participate in arrangements for his/her further training and professional development as a teacher
including undertaking training and professional development which aim to meet needs identified in
performance management objectives or statements.
• Contribute to the induction and assessment of new teachers and teachers serving induction periods
pursuant to the Induction Regulations.
• Use appropriate channels to raise concerns about the practice of other professionals if this risks harming
children and young people.
• Advise and co-operate with the Headteacher and other teachers (or any one or more of them) on the
preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of
teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.
• Take such part as may be required of him/her in the review, development and management of activities
relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.
• Participate in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or the administration or
organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
• Attend, support and lead assemblies, celebrations and social events as required during directed hours.
• Liaise effectively with any staff providing cover for his/her allocated class for PPA or training purposes etc.
• Subject to current guidance, supervise and, so far as practicable, teach any pupils whose teacher is not
available to teach them.
• Act professionally with tact and discretion; at all times shaped by the seven principles of public life:
selflessness, integrity, honesty, objectivity, accountability, openness and leadership.
• Maintain reasonable standards in his/her own behaviour that enable him/her to uphold public trust and
confidence in the teaching profession.WWWWW…