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Al and Marking: Can ChatGPT mark work? with Daisy Christodoulou

Al and Marking: Can ChatGPT mark work? with Daisy Christodoulou

Al and Marking: Can ChatGPT mark work? with Daisy Christodoulou

Andrew King

11 Sept 2023


min read

With ChatGPT a hot topic in classrooms, staff rooms and beyond, we wanted to find out whether it's a viable option for teachers in marking school work.

Who better to help with this than Daisy Christodoulou of No More Marking?

We first heard about Daisy's work on AI from this brilliant article in TES, and we've been itching to have her on the podcast ever since.

Listen to the podcast below via Spotify or YouTube, and you can also find us on Apple podcasts.

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