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Five books to promote friendships, inclusivity and understanding of SEND

Five books to promote friendships, inclusivity and understanding of SEND

Five books to promote friendships, inclusivity and understanding of SEND

Olivia Sheppard

17 Nov 2020


min read

It’s Anti-Bullying Week, which is a great opportunity to emphasise the collective responsibility of students to end bullying and respect each other. With powerful illustrations and encouraging messages, picture books are an ideal way to help children understand and celebrate their differences.

Strong friendships can be a protective factor for children experiencing bullying, but children with special educational needs and disabilities may experience social isolation. Teachers and teaching assistants have the opportunity to make a positive change for all students.

Our SEN lead, Olivia, has picked out five books promoting inclusivity: excellent educational tools to bridge the gap between students with SEND and students with no known needs. This way we can take a step forward together towards a better understanding of special educational needs and disabilities.

Narrated by Quinn, a young boy with Asperger's Syndrome, the book vividly shows its readers the achievements of heroes from history with autism, from Albert Einstein to Dian Fossey and Julia Bowman Robinson, among others. While they all excel in their different fields, they are united by finding it difficult to fit in. Just like Quinn.

Callie is proud of her brother Charlie. He's good at so many things, swimming, playing the piano, running fast. But sometimes Charlie gets quiet. His words get locked inside him, and he seems far away. Then, when Callie and Charlie start to play, Charlie is back to laughing, holding hands, having fun. Charlie is like any other boy, and he has autism.

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  1. Hello

Watch how to sign 'Hello' in British Sign Language
an expression of greeting

2. Good morning

Watch how to sign 'Good Morning' in British Sign Language
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

3. Good afternoon

Watch how to sign 'Good Afternoon' in British Sign Language
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

4. Yes

Watch how to sign 'yes' in British Sign Language
an affirmative

5. No

Watch how to sign 'No' in British Sign Language
a negative

6. Please

Watch how to sign 'Please' in British Sign Language
used in polite request

Please by Deafway

7. Thank You

Watch how to sign 'Thank you' in British Sign Language
a conversational expression of gratitude

8. Classroom

Watch how to sign 'Classroom' in British Sign Language
a room in a school where lessons take place

Classroom by Nathanael Farley

2 additional signs

9. Settle Down

Watch how to sign 'calm down' in British Sign Language
become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation

Relax by SymbolPost7, supplementary placards

10. Teacher

Watch how to sign 'Teacher' in British Sign Language
a person whose occupation is teaching

Teacher by Nathanael Farley

2 additional signs

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