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Safeguarding Interview Questions for Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Safeguarding Interview Questions for Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Safeguarding Interview Questions for Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Zen Educate Content Team

14 Apr 2024


min read

In educational settings, safeguarding plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and safety of children and young people. It encompasses the protection of their physical and emotional health, human rights, and general welfare. Employers recognise the significance of safeguarding and often include safeguarding interview questions to assess candidates' understanding and commitment to creating a safe environment for children as a teacher or as a Teaching Assistant.

In this article, we will explore common safeguarding interview questions, provide example answers, and offer tips on how to effectively respond to these questions.

(Got a Teaching Assistant interview coming up? Check out our full guide to TA interviews here. Once you've read this, of course!)

Understanding Safeguarding

As a teacher or TA, it's absolutely essential to have a clear understanding of what safeguarding means in schools. Safeguarding refers to the responsibility of education professionals to protect children and young people from any form of harm, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It also involves creating a safe and supportive environment where children can thrive and ensuring that their rights are respected. This responsibility runs all the way through every part of the recruitment process into each day in the classroom – from your DBS to your conduct in school.

Education professionals have both legal and ethical responsibilities when it comes to safeguarding. Legally, they are obligated to follow safeguarding policies and procedures set by the government and educational institutions. Ethically, they must prioritise the well-being and safety of children above all else, taking proactive measures to prevent harm and promptly addressing any safeguarding concerns that arise.

In the UK, much of the government guidance around safeguarding is set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (or 'KCSIE' shorthand). You can find a summary of the latest updates here.

Common Safeguarding Interview Questions

Question about understanding of safeguarding

Example: "What does safeguarding mean to you, and why is it important in schools?"

Explanation: This question aims to assess your understanding of safeguarding principles and their relevance to educational settings.

Example Answer: "To me, safeguarding means ensuring the protection and well-being of children in all aspects of their lives. In schools, it is crucial because it creates an environment where children can learn and grow without fear of harm. Safeguarding encompasses not only physical safety but also emotional support, ensuring that children are provided with the necessary care and protection to reach their full potential."

Question on recognising signs of abuse

Example: "How would you identify signs of abuse or neglect in a child?"

Explanation: This question tests your awareness of the indicators of various forms of abuse and neglect.

Example Answer: "Recognising signs of abuse or neglect requires attentiveness and knowledge of potential indicators. Physical signs such as unexplained bruises or injuries, changes in behaviour or mood, withdrawal from activities or relationships, and sudden academic decline can be indicators of abuse. It is important to remember that each child is unique, and signs may vary. It is crucial to maintain open communication with children, observe any changes in their behaviour or well-being, and report concerns to your Designated Safeguarding Lead."

Question about responding to a disclosure

Example: "How would you handle a situation if a child disclosed abuse to you?"

Explanation: Your response should demonstrate knowledge of proper procedures, sensitivity, and the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

Example Answer: "If a child were to disclose abuse to me, I would prioritise their safety and well-being. I would listen attentively, ensuring that they feel heard and supported. It is important not to promise confidentiality but to communicate that their safety is the top priority. I would adhere to the school's safeguarding policy by reporting the disclosure to the designated safeguarding lead or the appropriate authority. Throughout the process, I would maintain confidentiality to the extent permitted by law, ensuring the child's trust and privacy."

Question on working with others to ensure safeguarding

Example: "How would you work with colleagues and external organisations to protect children?"

Explanation: This question assesses your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively for safeguarding purposes.

Example Answer: "Safeguarding is a collective responsibility, and working collaboratively with colleagues and external organisations is crucial. I would actively engage in regular communication with colleagues, sharing information appropriately and ensuring a coordinated approach to safeguarding. Additionally, I would establish strong relationships with external organisations, such as social services or child protection agencies, to seek guidance, report concerns, and access additional support when necessary. By working together, we can create a robust safeguarding network that prioritises the well-being of children."

Scenario-based questions

Example: "If a child came to you with a serious safeguarding concern, such as abuse, could you take me through the steps you would take to report it?"

Explanation: The interviewee is looking to assess your knowledge of the right procedure.

Example Answer: "My first step would be to write down everything the child tells me, word for word, without embellishment. I would reassure them that they have made the right decision, and that I will be taking necessary steps to ensure they are safe. I would not ask any leading questions that could influence their version of events, and would approach them with empathy, providing a safe space for them to share their concerns. I would inform the child that in order to ensure their safety, I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. At the next available moment, I would report this incident to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, providing them with all of my written notes. It is crucial to follow the school's safeguarding policy, ensuring that the child's safety remains the top priority while respecting their privacy and confidentiality."

Tips for Answering Safeguarding Questions

To effectively answer safeguarding interview questions, consider the following tips:

Reflect on personal experiences: Draw from your personal experiences where you have contributed to safeguarding or child protection. Share specific examples that demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to safeguarding.

Be honest and show your commitment to ongoing learning: It is essential to be honest in your answers and acknowledge areas where you may need further development. Highlight your dedication to continuous learning and professional development in safeguarding.

Understand the specific safeguarding policies of the organisation: Familiarise yourself with the safeguarding policies and procedures of the organisation you are interviewing with. This demonstrates your preparedness and genuine interest in aligning with their safeguarding approach.

Practice active listening and effective communication: Effective safeguarding requires active listening and clear communication. Emphasise your ability to listen attentively to children, colleagues, and external organisations, fostering open and supportive communication channels.

Consider ethical considerations and confidentiality: Safeguarding often involves sensitive information. Highlight your understanding of ethical considerations, such as maintaining confidentiality to the extent permitted by law, while prioritising the safety and well-being of children.


Being well-prepared for safeguarding interview questions is essential for education professionals. Safeguarding plays a critical role in creating safe and supportive environments for children to learn and grow. By understanding the principles of safeguarding, recognising signs of abuse, and knowing how to respond effectively, you can demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding children and young people. Reflect on your experiences, be honest in your answers, and consider safeguarding as an ongoing area of professional development. By doing so, you will present yourself as a knowledgeable and dedicated candidate in safeguarding interviews.

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