


STEM Classroom Activities

STEM Classroom Activities

STEM Classroom Activities

Zen Educate Content Team

2 Jun 2024


min read

In today’s fast-paced world, equipping students with strong skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is crucial. These subjects not only lay the groundwork for numerous fulfilling teaching jobs and career paths but also foster essential problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation skills. By incorporating hands-on STEM activities into the classroom, teaching staff can create an environment that ignites curiosity, nurtures creativity, and empowers students to become active learners.

Science classroom activity ideas

Hands-on experiments are an excellent way to bring science to life and capture students’ imaginations. From exploring chemistry with cabbage pH indicators to simulating natural phenomena like earthquakes and erosion, these activities offer a multisensory learning experience that engages students on multiple levels.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Chemistry

Cabbage Chemistry

Introduce the concept of acids and bases using a simple household ingredient – red cabbage! Boil the cabbage to create a vibrant indicator solution that turns red in the presence of acids and green with bases. Challenge students to test various household substances and observe the colour changes.

Slime Explorations

Making slime is always a hit! Take this activity to the next level by encouraging students to experiment with different ingredients and ratios to create magnetic, glow-in-the-dark, or even scented slimes. Discuss the chemical reactions involved and the unique properties of each variation.

Exploring Natural Phenomena

Earthquake Simulation

Use jelly to represent the Earth's crust and challenge students to design and construct earthquake-resistant structures. Discuss the engineering principles behind their designs and the real-world implications of such structures in earthquake-prone regions.

Erosion Experiments

Simulate the effects of rain on different soil surfaces, such as bare soil and grass-covered areas. Have students predict and observe which surfaces are more resistant to erosion, fostering an understanding of environmental conservation.

But always remember, safety first! While experiments are engaging and educational, safety should always be a top priority. Ensure that students understand and follow proper safety protocols, such as wearing protective equipment when necessary and handling chemicals with care under adult supervision.

Technology classroom activity ideas

With the rise of tools like ChatGPT in education, integrating technology into the classroom is essential for preparing students for future teaching jobs and careers. From coding and robotics to multimedia projects, these activities foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

Coding and Robotics

Hour of Code

Participate in the global Hour of Code initiative, which aims to introduce students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Explore the vast array of resources available, including interactive tutorials and coding challenges tailored to different age groups.

Robotics Clubs

Establish a school robotics club or team to provide students with hands-on experience in coding, engineering, and problem-solving. Encourage them to design, build, and program robots to tackle real-world challenges or participate in robotics competitions.

Multimedia Creations

Digital Storytelling

Challenge students to create engaging multimedia presentations or videos that showcase their understanding of a particular concept or topic. Encourage them to incorporate various elements such as narration, animations, and interactive components.

Augmented Reality (AR) Explorations

It might sound farfetched, but with access to a tablet or smartphone, you can explore augmented reality with your students, and bring learning materials to life. Students can create AR experiences, such as interactive 3D models or virtual field trips, fostering engagement and deeper understanding. This guide from Apple is a great starting point!

Engineering classroom activity ideas

Engineering challenges are a fantastic way to promote teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By tackling real-world engineering problems, students gain valuable insights into the design process and develop an appreciation for the impact of engineering on society.

Group Engineering Challenges

Egg Drop Challenge

A classic engineering activity that never fails to excite students. Divide the class into teams and challenge them to design and construct a protective casing that can safeguard an egg from a designated drop height.

Bridge Building

Encourage students to work in groups to design and construct bridges using materials like craft sticks, straws, or recycled materials. Test the strength and stability of their creations by gradually adding weights or applying force to simulate real-world conditions.

Real-World Engineering Problems

Water Filtration Systems

Show students about clean water scarcity by challenging them to design and build water filtration systems using readily available materials. Discuss the engineering principles behind effective filtration and the importance of sustainable solutions.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Explore the concept of renewable energy sources by having students research and design models of wind turbines, solar panels, or hydroelectric generators. Encourage them to consider the environmental impact and efficiency of their designs.

Maths classroom activity ideas

Mathematics can be a challenging subject for many students, but introducing engaging games and puzzles can make learning more enjoyable and effective. These activities not only reinforce mathematical concepts but also promote problem-solving, logical thinking, and strategic decision-making skills.

Interactive Maths Games

Maths Escape Rooms

Create immersive escape room experiences where students must solve a series of mathematical puzzles and challenges to "escape." These activities can be tailored to different grade levels and curriculum objectives, making them both educational and entertaining.


Like Worldle, except with numbers! Challenge your students to compete with each other and solve problems using this amazing free game.

Conclusion: Nurturing Lifelong Learners

By incorporating engaging STEM classroom activities, teaching staff have the power to ignite a lifelong passion for learning in their students. These hands-on experiences not only reinforce core concepts but also foster essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration – invaluable assets for future teaching jobs and careers.

Remember, the key to successful STEM education lies in fostering an environment that celebrates curiosity, embraces failure as a learning opportunity, and empowers students to think outside the box. By consistently integrating these engaging activities into your classroom, you can unlock the full potential of your students and equip them with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in our ever-evolving world.

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  1. Hello

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an expression of greeting

2. Good morning

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a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

3. Good afternoon

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a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

4. Yes

Watch how to sign 'yes' in British Sign Language
an affirmative

5. No

Watch how to sign 'No' in British Sign Language
a negative

6. Please

Watch how to sign 'Please' in British Sign Language
used in polite request

Please by Deafway

7. Thank You

Watch how to sign 'Thank you' in British Sign Language
a conversational expression of gratitude

8. Classroom

Watch how to sign 'Classroom' in British Sign Language
a room in a school where lessons take place

Classroom by Nathanael Farley

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9. Settle Down

Watch how to sign 'calm down' in British Sign Language
become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation

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10. Teacher

Watch how to sign 'Teacher' in British Sign Language
a person whose occupation is teaching

Teacher by Nathanael Farley

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