Safeguarding children

Safeguarding children

Keeping children safe is our highest priority. Our approach is designed to exceed the DfE guidance as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education. You can rest assured that all staff who arrive at your school have been subjected to a rigorous vetting and screening process.

Industry-leading vetting

We complete these checks on every candidate as part of our on-boarding process:

An Enhanced DBS check with Child Barred List check from the last 12 months or registered to the Online Update Service

Photographic proof of identity

Right to work check

Address Verification

Proof of qualifications

Teaching Regulation Agency, formerly NCTL, teacher status check including checking for any sanctions

2 work references

Medical declaration certifying fitness to work in a school

Disqualification declaration certifying that they have never been disqualified from working with children

Overseas criminal checks, where they apply

Validation of identity documents including verifying ownership

An assessment of professional expertise by our experienced team, see below

You'll receive all relevant vetting information by email, such as DBS number and the checks we've performed, along with a photo of the teacher as soon as a booking is confirmed.

Interview screening by teachers

All our candidates are required to pass a 45 minute interview about their professional experience and expertise by our team of former and active teachers.

The interview and screening process was designed and is advised by Charlie Taylor, a headteacher and former chief executive of the National College for Teaching & Learning. We continually update and refine our process based on feedback from candidates placed in schools to keep it as effective as possible. The rigour of our process means we reject a lot of candidates so you can be confident that staff we send to your school are of the highest quality.

Safeguarding training

All candidates must complete safeguarding training before they work in schools, either through Zen's free online course or through a recognised provider.

Zen Educate Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Office address: Unit 2.01 Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE

Registered Office 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Company number 10382721 · VAT No. GB262602523

Zen Educate Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Office address: Unit 2.01 Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE

Registered Office 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Company number 10382721 · VAT No. GB262602523

Zen Educate Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Office address: Unit 2.01 Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE

Registered Office 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Company number 10382721 · VAT No. GB262602523