We are looking for a highly experienced year 4 classroom teacher to
join us on a three day a week placement to commence as soon as
possible, until further notice, potentially for a term, possibly
longer (please note this may be reviewed at any time during the
placement). This role is on a job share basis working Monday to
Wednesday. The candidate will be expected to plan lessons effectively
and efficiently with another year 4 staff member, PPA will be given
for this, date to be confirmed with the CLMT Team.. The working
hours would be as teacher directed time, and the daily
routine/procedures for the classes would be discussed with right
The ideal candidate must have a stro…We are looking for a highly experienced year 4 classroom teacher to
join us on a three day a week placement to commence as soon as
possible, until further notice, potentially for a term, possibly
longer (please note this may be reviewed at any time during the
placement). This role is on a job share basis working Monday to
Wednesday. The candidate will be expected to plan lessons effectively
and efficiently with another year 4 staff member, PPA will be given
for this, date to be confirmed with the CLMT Team.. The working
hours would be as teacher directed time, and the daily
routine/procedures for the classes would be discussed with right
The ideal candidate must have a stroWWWWW…